Mijn Ing
We've been publishing sustainability reports since 2011 (stand-alone or integrated into the annual report). If you're looking for older reports than those presented below, please send us an email with your request. All ING's Sustainability reports from 2011 until now.

Willemen Groep Annual report 2021 (EN) by Willemen Groep Issuu
ING Groep NV published this content on 11 March 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 11 March 2022 11:59:03 UTC.. ING Groep N : 2021 Annual Report ING Groep N.V. on Form 20-F (PDF 7 MB) Best financial portal

ING Groep N.V. The New York Times

2015 Annual Review ING Groep N.V. ING
Raymond Vermeulen ING Group Investor Relations +31 20 576 6369 [email protected] [email protected]. ING PROFILE. ING is a global financial institution with a strong European base, offering banking services through its operating company ING Bank. The purpose of ING Bank is empowering people to stay a step ahead in life and in.

Annual reports ING
Ing Groep Nv (ING) SEC Filing 20-F Annual Report for the fiscal year ending Sunday, December 31, 2023. Home. SEC Filings. Ing Groep Nv (ING) 20-F Annual Report Fri Mar 08 2024; SEC Filings. ING Valuations. Intrinsic Value. Financial Stability. Financial Ratios. Insider Trades. Manager Portfolios. Notifications.

ING Groep N.V. 2016 Q4 Results Earnings Call Slides (NYSEING) Seeking Alpha
ING posts 1Q2024 net result of €1,578 million,with strong commercial performance 1Q2024 profit before tax of €2,293 million; 4-quarter rolling.

ING Groep N.V. 2022 Q1 Results Earnings Call Presentation (NYSEING) Seeking Alpha
Resulting in an excellent start of the year 3 1) Expenses excluding regulatory costs and incidental items 2) ING Group four -quarter rolling return on equity is calculated using IFRS EU shareholders' equity after excluding amounts reserved for future distribution 14.8 14.9 15.2 14.7 14.8 9.7 11.7 13.8 14.8 9.9 12.0 14.2 15.2 15.1 1Q2023 2Q2023 3Q2023 4Q2023 1Q2024

GarantiBank International NV Annual Report 2021 MONROE
The reporting organisation is ING Groep N.V. and its subsidiaries. The last time we published an annual report was on 11 March 2021, covering the year 2020. This report, on the year 2021, was published on 10 March 2022. In this report, 'ING at a glance', the sections 'Strategy and performance', 'Risk management' and 'Corporate governance', and.

Bond Trading Bot Boosts ING's MarketMaking in Fixed Bloomberg
1Q2024 profit before tax of €2,293 million; 4-quarter rolling return on equity of 14.8% on higher CET1 ratio of 14.8%. Net interest income from lending and liabilities remains strong. Double-digit growth in fee income, with strong contributions from both Retail and Wholesale Banking. Increase of 99,000 primary customers, net core deposits.

ING publishes its 2021 Annual Report ING
Elements of this press release contain or may contain information about ING Groep N.V. and/ or ING Bank N.V. within the meaning of Article 7(1) to (4) of EU Regulation No 596/2014 ('Market Abuse Regulation'). ING Group's annual accounts are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European.

Allianz Nederland Groep N.V. Annual Report 2020 [PDF Document]
09 March 2023 16:45 CET 6 min read. Amsterdam, ING today published its 2022 Annual Report. Under the theme "making the difference for people and planet" we give stakeholders an insight into our strategy, business activities and performance over the past year. Our activities are presented in the context of our strategic priorities: providing.
RBS Holdings NV Annual Report PDF Banks Interest
The 2023 edition of ING's annual report gives stakeholders an insight into our strategy, business activities and performance over the past year in the context of ING's strategic priorities: providing a superior customer experience and putting sustainability at the heart of what we do. Download ING Groep N.V. annual report 2023.

Koninklijke BAM Groep NV Fundamental Company Report Including
ING announced today a share buyback programme under which it plans to repurchase ordinary shares of ING Groep N.V., for a maximum total amount of €2.5 billion. The purpose of the share buyback.
ING Groep suing Chinese copper trader He Jinbi over unpaid debt, Bloomberg reports Reuters
ING Groep NV reports have an aggregate usefulness score of 4.8 based on 123 reviews. ING Groep NV. Most Recent Annual Report. MOST RECENT 2022 Annual Report.. Older/Archived Annual Reports. 2021 Annual Report View Annual Report Download. 2020 Annual Report View Annual Report Download.

Smartphone with Website of Dutch Financial Services Company ING Groep N.V. on Screen in Front of
Annual reports; SEC filings; Presentations. Presentations.. Fixed income information. Debt securities ING Groep N.V. Debt securities ING Bank N.V. Notice about eurobonds; Ratings; Shareholders' meeting. Shareholders' meeting. Annual general meeting;. ING Group Additional Pillar III Report 2022 (PDF 29,6 MB) ING Group appendices Additional.

ING Plans Thousands of Job Cuts, Het Financieele Dagblad Reports Bloomberg
This includes customers, investors and shareholders, regulators and supervisors, employees, government authorities and non-governmental organisations. It aims to give our stakeholders a balanced overview of our activities and ING's ability to create and sustain value. ING Bank Annual Report 2021. 3.